
Nightmare #93 – Alligator Children

…all of a sudden another alligator showed up…

(Male, early 20’s) This one qualifies more as a weird dream, I think, than as an actual nightmare but it was vivid enough to keep me thinking about it all day.

There were these three small alligators playing in a dried up creek bed. The sand was a dark green and the little alligators were blue or at least they has a bluish color to them. A mother-alligator was watching over them. But all of a sudden another alligator showed up. It was huge and scary and it pushed the mother-alligator out of the way. The evil alligator was able to open its jaws so wide that they stretched from one side of the creek bed to the other which allowed the alligator children no way to escape. They were trapped and facing imminent death. The little alligators looked at each other and decided to charge. They ran straight into the mouth of the large alligator. They ran down his throat straight to its belly – I could see them bulging against the skin of the large alligator – but they didn’t stop at its belly. The small alligators kept running inside the large alligator down its tail until they reached the tip which they made look like an over-stuffed alligator-skinned bag.

That’s when the dream ended but I can imagine that a pretty one-sided battle continued with the large alligator being devoured from within by these three small but feisty creatures.