
Nightmare #136 – Undead Babies

…the doctor could find absolutely no evidence that the child was alive…

(Male, Middle aged) This wasn’t a nightmare in the sense that there was a monster jumping out at me or anything but it was pretty weird and just awfully sad. I was in the house where I grew up and I think I might have been a kid just because I looked at things like a kid would, looking for fun, having little responsibility. I was just playing around in the garage and the backyard. I had a wooden scythe – yup, like the Grim Reaper but I was waving it around like a drum major, spinning it around my hand. As I type it down now, I realize that I could have easily sliced my own head off with it but that fit perfectly with the dream, that sense of stupid self-confidence, of adolescence.

Then a car pulled into our driveway and pregnant woman in a pink jumpsuit got out. She was probably in her late twenties or so. It was my cousin’s ex-wife — I mean, back when she was this age and having babies, she was still married to my cousin but they aren’t together any more. She waved at me then went inside. I was curious so I followed her. She was talking to my cousin who I didn’t know was there. Strange but my parents weren’t in the house. The two of them looked concerned. One of them explained that she had just come from the doctor. Though she could still feel her baby moving and kicking inside her, the doctor could find absolutely no evidence that the child was alive or that she even was pregnant at all. No heart rate, nothing on an ultrasound. My cousin had his hand on her belly, I guess feeling the baby kick, but they looked so sad, so confused.