Elsa Events

Dailynightmare’s Best of 2013

2013 was a horrifically exciting year for the denizens of the We undertook new projects, traveled to new places, and made new connections.

Here’s a look back at the highlights of 2013:

Face casting date and followup
We ventured to Studio FX 101 to be guided through a day-long, multistep art project that resulted in duplicate faces and the means to produce more. We bathed in the attention of the shop owners and in algenate. It was a truly unforgettable date. Within a week, we were face casting on our own from the comfort of our home. We got additional use from our project in time for Halloween.

We discovered the strange and oddly attractive village of Scarfolk, a small town in England which is stuck in time. Through alarming 1970’s style public service announcements, Scarfolk keeps its citizens informed about all manner of topics and dangers, from pagan pediatrics to child discipline to “falling disorder.”


New Orleans for the The World Horror Convention
A fantastic place for a great event. The Doktor was able to cross off at least two major goals from his life list (visting NOLA and hearing Caitlyn Keirnan speak). Alas, a lack of paranormal experiences and hauntings did not allow him to reach a third.


Theatre Bizarre: The Processional
We had attended our first Theatre Bizarre in 2012, so we had an entire year for the anticipation and excitement of 2013’s event to build. We checked the website frequently and plotted to seduce some good friends into coming along; they turned out to be easy wins after our gushing reports from our first time. Standing in line for tickets on the first weekend was a riot, and the event did not disappoint. It’s perhaps even a lifetime highlight, if the glowy faces and devilish smiles that cross our faces at the slightest reminiscence are any indication.


Introducing the Impy at the Three Corpse Circus
This was another project that took months of planning but the results were oh-so-satisfying. We commissioned an award statue from sculptor Jeremy Haney, who was great to work with. The final product exceeded expectations. The film we selected as the winning entry for Cinematic Excellence in Midwest Horror, “Other” by Daniel Delpurgatorio is nothing short of fantastic.

from and .pdf download
from and .pdf download

The Anthology: 13 Quick Shivers from the
Making a dream into a reality is certainly a thrill, and guiding our first Anthology from idea to plan to paperback book was an extremely satisfying project. We enjoyed collaborating with other horror writers, both old contacts and new. We honed our skills organizationally and technically, and we are gearing up for another round in 2014.

2013 was a year full of adventure and discovery as well as snob horror. We can’t wait to see what awaits us in 2014.