
Nightmare #178 – Abandoned on the Bus

(Male, 30’s) This has been a re-current nightmare of mine since I was a kid. I would be on a long bus-ride with my Mom. It’s always just my Mom even though there are five people in my family. It’s a long bus ride so at some point we have to get off just long enough to eat a meal or something. Thing is, my Mom gets off but I get stuck on the bus. It rumbles out of the station and I’m trapped heading onto my next destination. Recently, the dream has changed to where I actually go to the next stop and get off there but that’s no less scary.
It’s a simple dream but it’s still meant that I hate buses. There’s a bus that runs straight to Chicago that my buddies always want to take but there’s no way I’d ride that. Even when I have to take a city bus, I ride right near the door so I can’t be left on there.