
Nightmare #189 – Falling

(Male, 40’s) Strange dream, almost like it was someone else’s dream or a dream that was mine when I was much younger. Or something. I woke up from it at 3:00 in the morning and had absolutely no interest in going back to sleep afterward.

We were in my Grandmother’s house which didn’t belong to my Grandmother anymore, which is probably obvious because she’s dead. But the family continued to rent the house from the Man who owned it now. He was doing all sorts of really drastic renovations on the place. Like the back room was now going to be the kitchen and he had put in this oddly shaped kitchen island in there. I was trying to convince someone that this was actually a good thing, that it would come in handy for when we entertained. But in the dream, I knew that we’d never entertain here, that we’d never invite anyone over here.

And then the Man showed us the new ceiling he was putting onto this huge addition. Honestly the addition was larger than a basketball court and easily as tall. We were walking along the drop ceiling above it. It was constructed of long metal slats that bowed under our weight as we walked with large piece of corrugated cardboard in between. There was some trick to walking up there, to making yourself not weigh your normal weight. Like positive thoughts or something would make you float or something. The other people had no problem with this but I kept having doubts about whether this whole thing would work. My foot got caught between the slats and the cardboard and my foot slipped between. My leg was dangling into the vast cavernous basketball court beneath. It was brightly lit up as if for a game. I knew it was just an instant before my whole body slipped through. My mom started moving closer to me to try to save me. She was younger, much younger, probably 40 years younger than she is now. And I was younger too, just a child. I was swooning with vertigo but I knew that if I pulled that piece of cardboard out with me, it would de-stabilize a whole area of the ceiling. I told mom to back up, to get away from me. Just then the cardboard gave out and started falling. I held onto the edges of the cardboard like a magic carpet. It just plummeted down and down. I fell much further than I could have ever imagined, much farther than the floor. I was hopeful that I would survive the fall but the trouble was I never landed. Just a constant never ending fall. I was dizzy and nauseous and afraid.


Nightmare #188 – Bubble People

(Male, 40’s) This was pretty much a standard work dream except for the twist at the end. I was at work, though of course the building didn’t resemble the actual building where I work in the least. The dream building was a very tall structure of relatively short hallways, maybe 30 feet long. And by tall I mean absurdly tall, 30 plus stories so tall that is slightly swayed in the wind. The only way to get up and down this long tall building was to use the freight elevator that was on one end of this short hallway. It was a standard freigh elevator, extremely noisy, wide open and quite slow moving. So that was the NORMAL situation.

The NIGHTMARE part of the dream started when we had to evacuate the building quickly. I think it had something to do with zombies but at least within the part of the dream that I remember there were no actual zombies. However, there were people from the upper floors who were somehow flooding down to our floor to use the elevator, I guess. There was something wrong about them. They weren’t zombies and they weren’t even the threat we knew we were supposed to be avoiding. They were smiling broadly and dressed in normal business suits. Except they weren’t walking; they were floating down the hallway toward me. As they approached it became obvious that they weren’t human but they were actually BALLOONS, like balloon animals tied in the shape of humans. They floated with their menacing smiles. I picked up a broom and tried to keep them from touching any of my co-workers as they tried to escape onto the elevator. For some reason, I knew that if the balloon people touched you, their balloon skin would stick to you and you’d be done for. One by one, more of them would stick to you and… well, I didn’t know exactly what would happen but I knew you’d stop being human and you’d end up being like them. Lucky for me it was rather easy to keep them away with the broom because they were so light. However more and more of them kept pushing into the hallway.

I awoke feeling very anxious, uncertain whether I’d saved anyone at all.


Nightmare #187 – Horror Hor D’oeurves

(Female, 40’s) A couple friends stopped by our house unannounced, and we suddenly decided to have a party and invite some more people over. Then we needed to come up with lots of snacks so I went to our freezer, which in the dream was a huge walk-in freezer, and there were all kinds of things in there, like laid-in provisions, packages of frozen meats and a whole stack of frozen waffles. But I was looking for some kind of snack food, like a frozen pizza. I thought I might have had a container of frozen shrimp or oysters — although I have no idea why I thought I’d find those in my freezer!– or barbecued spareribs, something just small and tasty.

But all I could find as snack food was a package of marinated miniature vampire monkey brains! It had a little picture of a vampire monkey on the front! It was like a brand-name package, too, not some sketchy thing. I took them out of the package and they were frozen in kind of a flat sheet. I could see all their little vampire teeth because their mouths were open. But I wanted to make sure that there was enough for every one so I cut them in half! With one good chop along the jaw line.

And then I put them in a pan on the stove and started stirring them. And in the dream I had a sense of both satisfaction because I’d found a snack for everyone as well as revulsion, like “Yuck, I don’t want to eat these things!”