
#358: Child Vampire

"Vampire Teeth" Photo by flickr user Daniel Orth.( Used under the Creative Commons License. No changes were made.
“Vampire Teeth” Photo by flickr user Daniel Orth.( Used under the Creative Commons License. No changes were made.

(Male, 30’s)
I don’t remember the whole nightmare story, but I remember one awful scene involving a child vampire.

Or a child who might have been a vampire. There was no way to tell for sure, but there was a good chance this little kid was turning into a vampire. We couldn’t wait to see if it would happen, so I was supposed to “take care of it.” Somehow this was my shit job. I didn’t know if I could strangle this kid I was supposed to.

I hesitated. I didn’t want to. What if we were wrong? Or what if we were right? Either way, it all sucked.

What a crappy dream.