(Female 40’s) This was a crazy dream I had when I was a kid that mixed up those monster movie plots with Nancy Drew-style problem solving. It was about how I used my smarts to save the town from Godzilla— almost.
The dream took place in a small town in Northern Michigan, near a cottage that was owned by a family friend. We went up there for the weekend many times when I was growing up. It was a small cottage-country town on a lake, very pretty and woodsy.
Godzilla was smashing through the town however. We could hear his roar and the screams of people as he chased them.
I had what seemed like an obviously brilliant idea: I would make a trail out of toilet paper to “lead” Godzilla out of town and back to the lake. He would follow the trail because that was part of his dinosaur nature.
I walked along backwards, unrolling roll after roll of toilet paper, humming to myself as my genius plan went into effect.
The only problem was that I didn’t account for how effective the toilet paper trail would be or how much more quickly a Godzilla moved than a human. I wasn’t quite to the lake when I looked up and saw Godzilla trampling down the road, following the trail, coming at a very fast pace. There was no way I could get to the lake before Godzilla would get to me. I was leading him straight to me. I was doomed.